On Thursday, November 2, Source One Technology had the honor of sponsoring the 89th Anniversary Gala Fundraiser for Easterseals Southeastern Wisconsin. The theme for the evening was the Roaring Twenties, and everyone was dressed to impress. The event was filled with fun activities such as a photo booth, raffle, silent and live auctions, a wine pull, an open bar, and about ten local food vendors providing finger food.

But this event was more than just a night of fun. It marked the continuation of Easterseal’s ongoing mission of ensuring that everyone, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to thrive in accessible, equitable, and inclusive communities. We are proud to support Easterseals Southeastern Wisconsin and all the fantastic work they do to help individuals with disabilities live their best lives.
The gala was a huge success, and we’d like to thank Easterseals Southeastern Wisconsin for allowing us to be a part of such a special event. We look forward to continuing our partnership in the future.